Saturday, 19 March 2011

Helth Tips

Recommended Superfoods

Technically a berry, avocados have are rich in vitamins B, E and K, and are particularly high in potassium levels. The fat in avocados is mono unsaturated fat, the kind of fat which research as shown is most healthy and beneficial for cholesterol  levels.

The quintessential Afghan biscuit topping is so much more than a tasty nut. Walnuts are said to help reduce the rising of cholesterol levels after a high-fat meal. Research has also shown that walnuts have a prohibitive effect in the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

Though spinach may not be the wonder source of iron that it was marketed as some years ago (remember Pop Eye), it is still a fantastic source of many important dietary requirements. A good source of Vitamin A, C, E and K, it is also high in magnesium. Spinach is best eaten not boiled to oblivion though! Boiling spinach for over four minutes is said to half the amount of iron that you will take in.
